
Group: DynoMotion Message: 1162 From: morgtod Date: 5/23/2011
Subject: USB Port
My order arrived today, Kflop, Kanalog and a snap amp. It looks like top shelf stuff!!!

I can connect to the kflop using kmotion and picking the usb port, but kmotioncnc does not have the option of picking the port, so I keep getting " kmotion not found on usb location 00000086 unable to open device". in kmotion the usb port is 0x32.

Group: DynoMotion Message: 1163 From: morgtod Date: 5/23/2011
Subject: Re: USB Port

Rebooted the PC,,, now it working fine.

--- In DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com, "morgtod" <todmorg@...> wrote:
> My order arrived today, Kflop, Kanalog and a snap amp. It looks like top shelf stuff!!!
> I can connect to the kflop using kmotion and picking the usb port, but kmotioncnc does not have the option of picking the port, so I keep getting " kmotion not found on usb location 00000086 unable to open device". in kmotion the usb port is 0x32.
> Todd
Group: DynoMotion Message: 1164 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 5/23/2011
Subject: Re: USB Port
Hi Todd,
Do you have another FTDI based USB device in your system?  If so, then the results may be dependent on what order they are recognized by Windows.  We have a new release scheduled to come out soon that should ignore non-Dynomotion USB FTDI chip based devices.